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As your parents get older, there are certain changes that take place in their life and your relationship with one another. One of these changes is their increasing inability to adequately care for themselves. Therefore, you need to think through your respective situations and make a strategy. Here is what to do when aging parents need help.
Unless it is an emergency, the most important thing to do is not assume you completely understand what your parent needs. Though they are aging and may not accept that they need help, they are still adults who can communicate their needs to you. So, always be sure to assess their needs from their point of view first.
Once you have a grasp on what your aging parent needs, be sure to communicate clearly with them. Open and honest dialogue may be hard to come by at first, especially given your unique relationship history or their deteriorating mental health. Nonetheless, it is important to try as hard as you can to communicate clearly with your parent about their situation and what you both want to do about it. Since it is their life that will be changing, allow them as much autonomy as possible.
Involving your aging parent in every step of the process can help you formulate a plan together based on their needs and your capacity. A significant factor in creating a plan will be your financial situation. Understanding where you and your parent are with money will help immensely. With cost in mind, explore care options together and find an option that offers the right balance of independence and support. If you are looking for home health care in Everett, WA, contact a member of our team at Fedelta Home Care for more information.
Knowing what to do when aging parents need help can come in handy as they move toward increasing levels of care. Whether it is an emergency or a day-to-day situation, being equipped will keep your parent safe and supported.