Washington (206) 362-2366
Oregon (503) 252-8499
For millions of seniors and others with chronic illness, home care is one of the most promising care options to meet their unique needs. As the number of seniors in the nation rises, more people are choosing home care than ever before. Are you interested in home care services for yourself or a loved one? Here’s what you should know before you get started.
If you’re not sure what to expect from home care, you might be on the fence about how to proceed. Regardless, the benefits of home care make it the perfect fit for almost every family.
Since complex medical needs may be difficult to grasp at first, a professional caregiver will help guide your family as you learn more about your loved one’s personal healthcare needs.
For those with complex needs and treatments, your home care agency can arrange for a qualified nurse to visit you in your home. A nurse can help evaluate your unique situation while providing a high level of care.
Caregivers don’t limit themselves to providing medical assistance. The caregiver you choose can also provide practical help around the home, including cleaning, cooking, or even shopping.
Since one of the core struggles of the elderly is coping with the loss of independence that comes with chronic illness, staying active should be a primary goal. Home caregivers will plan and organize activities that are appropriate to your loved one’s abilities and interests.
Many factors influence what type of care is appropriate in every situation. When your needs change, you won’t be locked into one type of service. Fedelta Home Care will work with you to provide the exact level of care that fits your current needs.
We understand that budget is an important concern for every family. Our services are always custom tailored to ensure that your needs are respected, and we guarantee that we can craft a service that suits every family’s unique financial situation.
Our clients are our family. When you receive services from a home caregiver, you guarantee that your loved ones will have the friendship and companionship that they need to thrive and enjoy a rich life.
If you’re ready to learn more about home care services, we’re eager to hear from you. With nearly twenty years serving the Puget Sound community, we are confident that Fedelta Home Care can craft the perfect care plan for your family’s needs. To learn more about our services, contact us today.