Burnout is a serious concern for all caregivers, regardless of age, personality, or experience. The truth is that caring for a loved one takes a toll, and—if you’re not careful—this exhaustion will catch up with you. Here are a few ways for caregivers to take a break.
Respite care services are one of the most all-encompassing solutions for long breaks. If you’re capable of caring for your loved one but need an afternoon, day, or week off, respite care is the perfect time-bound solution for you. Our services at Fedelta Home Care include respite care in Seattle, WA, which allows you to seamlessly leave home and take a break.
Meals are daily necessities that take time and energy, especially if you want to make them well. Home-delivered meals are an excellent service for any caregiver and allow them the extra hour or two to lay low instead of cooking lunch or dinner. Look for a meal service that can drop food off at your door. Between all the running around to pharmacies, appointments, and events, you can use a readymade meal or two.
Sometimes, caregivers have social circles full of people willing to help, but they seldom take advantage of these friends and family. You may worry that other people couldn’t care for your loved one as well as you, or that your loved one won’t receive the new person well. You may also feel guilty for asking someone to give the care you provide yourself. Try to let these feelings go and ask for help. With a support system in place, you can care still for your loved one and find a break somewhere in between.
If you don’t have the resources or support you need to take extended breaks, try to fit short ones into your day. Quick, five-minute breaks are a life-saver, especially when providing a high level of care. Take a moment to do something you enjoy, such as listening to music, journaling, watching funny videos, or engaging in slow breathing exercises.
You want to avoid caregiver fatigue, and this means you need to make time for self-care. Utilize these ways for caregivers to take a break and get the rest you so deeply need. Reach out to our team at Fedelta Home Care to find a respite or home care solution that works for you.