Humans are naturally social beings, and connection with another person can both stimulate the brain and provide healthy interactions. Did you know that studies of elderly people and social isolation concluded that those without adequate social interaction were twice as likely to die prematurely?
Throughout our lives we crave interaction with others, and whether you are an extravert or an introvert, it is important to our mental health and our immune system to create friendships. As we age, it does not become any less important to fulfill the need for social interaction.
As elderly adults age it is easier to skip out on meeting up with friends, going to church, or remaining part of the book club you signed up for one day of the week. It becomes harder to move around, and it seems as if it might be more appealing to just stay home and relax.
Having weekly activities and special people in our lives can create a sense of dependency. Friendships that are created will encourage conversations, support, and entertainment. If you schedule specific activities and continue to go to those activities you will receive the social interaction you need as well as know that you and your friend can count on each other.
It is understandable that as seniors age there may be a bit of difficulty getting ready in the morning, or feeling comfortable driving. However, there are ways to receive help in order to stay independent, maintain relationships, and keep from being lonely. If the aging adult doesn’t have any typical activities to attend it can still be meaningful and important to have that friendly companion supporting you, hearing your stories, and keeping you company. Companion caregivers are so unique and special because they are building a relationship with their clients. They become part of the family as they share meals, discuss life, and play games.
Companions for elderly adults can serve several purposes:
There are several other reasons that one might decide it is time to receive companion care. It isn’t just a service being provided, but rather a friendship being built and a trusted, dependable, and caring person to enrich your life.
Fedelta is proud to hire amazing caregivers that are highly trained, skilled, and adaptable. Most importantly, they are compassionate and care for the elderly they are working with. One of our favorite testimonials to share is about a caregiver and client who have a unique bond. It is important to realize that friendships and companions are beneficial for elderly adults.