Fedelta Home Care

Understanding The Importance Of Companionship Care For Seniors

an elderly women goes grocery shopping with their caregiver

Understanding the importance of companionship care for seniors As our population ages, the demand for companionship care is becoming increasingly essential. Companionship care, defined by the Department of Labor, provides care for an older adult or a disabled younger person by offering “fellowship” and “protection.” Fellowship includes engaging individuals in social, physical, or mental activities; […]

10 Fun Things You Can Do to Have Fun with Your Elderly Parents

an elderly man smiles at their son

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 10 Fun Things You Can Do to Have Fun with Your Elderly Parents Elderly parents are a precious part of our lives and have contributed significant amounts of time, love, and energy toward building our families and society. As they age, they may experience challenges such as reduced social […]

How In Home Care Can Help Fight Depression in Seniors

Fight depression for seniors

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 How In Home Care Can Help Fight Depression in Seniors According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 15 million American adults are affected by depression every year. As we age, certain changes in our lives can increase our risk for depression. In the same way, existing […]

The Psychological Benefits of Senior Companion Care

Companion Care

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 The Psychological Benefits of Senior Companion Care As you age, obstacles arise that can make participating in your favorite activities more difficult. For example, if you’re used to having the freedom to leave the house when you want, but realize it’s no longer safe for you to drive, becoming […]

Fun Summer Activities That Are Perfect for Seniors

Summer Senior Activities

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Fun Summer Activities That Are Perfect for Seniors With just a few more weeks of warm weather ahead of us, it’s time to ask the big question: did I finish my summer checklist? For seniors, it can be a struggle to find outdoor activities that fit their energy levels […]

Comfort and Care – The Essentials of End-of-Life Care

End-of-Life Care

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Comfort and Care – The Essentials of End-of-Life Care There are few moments in life – if any – that are more distressing than watching a loved endure a terminal illness. For those who are the primary caregiver for a family member during this stage, this period is especially […]

How Pets Help The Elderly

companionship for seniors

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 How Pets Help The Elderly How do pets help the elderly?  By giving unconditional love and acceptance recipients get a daily dose of vitamin P.  Have you had your vitamin P today?  P stands for pets and their healing power.  New vitamin helps us live longer, prevent heart attacks, […]

Four Ways To Cope With Depression Among Seniors

seniors living with dementia

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Four Ways To Cope With Depression Among Seniors Depression is a common affliction among the elderly. More than 6 million Americans over the age of 65 are affected by late-life depression. Only around 10 percent seek treatment for depression however. A stigma surrounds the topic of depression, particularly among […]

The Importance of Friendships and Companions for Elderly Adults

companionship in-home care

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 The Importance of Friendships and Companions for Elderly Adults Humans are naturally social beings, and connection with another person can both stimulate the brain and provide healthy interactions. Did you know that studies of elderly people and social isolation concluded that those without adequate social interaction were twice as likely to […]

In-Home Care Activities For Seniors In Bellevue, WA

in-home care activities

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 In-Home Care Activities For Seniors In Bellevue, WA As you probably know already, Seattle is a wonderful city that has so much to offer. If you’re looking for things to do in the Seattle area, you might not get many suggestions outside of Seattle’s city limits. However, people who […]