Each day, we all wake up and go about our work or activities. However, seniors living in various levels of independence often have a different day-to-day experience. That is why they need a routine. Here is the importance of a daily routine for seniors.
Parkinson’s disease is a brain condition that affects the nervous system and movement. Symptoms will usually start gradually as it is a progressive disease, sometimes being hardly noticeable. One of the most common signals of early onset Parkinson’s is a slight tremor in the hand.
As you or someone you know begins to experience symptoms of Parkinson’s, you might wonder when the right time for nursing car plans for Parkinson’s disease is. This varies significantly from person to person as early stage symptoms are usually easy to deal with, and in some cases ignored as “just getting older.”
Some of the early symptoms of Parkinson’s include tremor or shaking that starts in a limb (usually hands or fingers). As Parkinson’s progresses, movement may become slower, and simple tasks become difficult and time consuming. When this starts to happen, it may be time to consider which nursing care plans for Parkinson’s disease are right for your situation. Other symptoms may include rigid and stiff muscles, difficulty maintaining balance, and lose of automatic, unconscious movement (such as blinking).
If you are considering nursing care plans for Parkinson’s disease, remember that it is a normal part of late stage life. Nearly 70% of Americans who live beyond 65 will need long-term care at some stage of their lives. This care could be a nursing care plan for Alzheimers, Parkinson’s care plans, or something else entirely.
Here are some helpful ways you can care for and support your loved one who is experiencing symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Do Your Research: Learning as much about Parkinson’s as you can is an important part to helping you adjust to this stage of your loved one’s life. Remember that Parkinson’s affects movement, which is why so many people begin looking for nursing care plans for Parkinson’s disease early. Parkinson’s doesn’t manifest the same way in everyone. Some will experience extreme tremors at random intervals, others might have continuous but mild tremors throughout the day. In order to be the best help you can, make sure you do some research. If you have questions about the disease and would like help finding some relevant information, please reach out. We have a library of resources that we would love to send you. Make sure you include yourself in the medical appointments and ask any questions you have. The doctor will be there to help you understand each stage of the disease as it progresses and will give you a much better idea of what to expect and how to help.
Volunteer to Help with Handy Tasks: For someone who is having early stages of Parkinson’s, tremors in the hands make a lot of everyday tasks difficult. Offer to help out with everyday items like shopping, cooking, or cleaning. These tasks become much more difficult and discouraging to someone who has a movement disorder. For someone who is just starting to experience Parkinson’s, they might be embarrassed to ask for help. Use these times as an excuse to spend time together and make good memories. Consider coupling the tasks with fun activities, such as an evening at the movies, if possible. This will help break up the routine of the day and provide some much-needed relief.
Encourage Exercise: Exercise is very important for those experiencing Parkinson’s disease. In addition to helping the brain use dopamine, fitness will improve strength, balance, memory, and quality of life. As an added bonus, you can exercise with your loved one. Exercise is good for everyone, so use this as an excuse to get in shape and stay healthy. Consider walking, hiking, yoga, or other light to moderate exercise activities.
Become a Good Listener: Developing Parkinson’s can sometimes make people feel isolated. Activities that they used to enjoy with others now become difficult. Take time to plan fun activities that everyone can participate in, and during one on one time, listen to your loved one who is suffering from Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s can be very frustrating, and sometimes the best thing is a listening ear and heart. Watch for progressing symptoms. As symptoms worsen, be open to the idea of nursing care plans for Parkinson’s disease
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