For millions of older adults, dealing with chronic disease is a daily reality. In fact, over 90% of seniors have been diagnosed with at least one chronic illness. While these statistics may sound sobering, they underline one positive fact: if you or a loved one is dealing with serious health problems, you aren’t traveling alone. With the experience gained by millions of your peers, you can live well with chronic illness. These practical tips will help you reach your long-term goals while also managing your day to day struggles.
1. Educate yourself
We are living in the golden age of information. At no point in history has it been so easy to educate yourself regarding complex topics such as medicine and healthcare. As such, attaining a deep understanding of your specific condition is within grasp of anyone with the will to learn. In fact, educating yourself about therapies, treatment strategies, and the disease process will help you make informed decisions. Also, you will gain a priceless mental edge, as your knowledge will help you feel more in control of your situation.
2. Build a support system
Humans are social creatures, and we are at our best when we rely on each other for mutual support. Though many older adults and others with chronic illness struggle with their potential loss of independence, allowing others to lend a hand doesn’t just take the load off of you – it helps form stronger, more intimate bonds between family and friends.
3. Reach out to your peers
No matter what illness you are facing, there are others in your community who can empathize with you based on personal experience. As such, most communities have formed support groups where like-minded individuals can share advice, resources and comfort.
If you’re not quite ready to join such a group, many of the same resources and support are available in online settings. By participating in online forums (if only as an observer) you’ll gain insight into possible solutions while enjoying the camaraderie of your peers.
4. Learn about community resources
As communities become increasingly aware of and considerate towards those with chronic illness, many have instituted programs with the aim of providing valuable assistance. Such outreach programs often provide free resources and assistance to those in need, and you or your loved one likely qualify to be included.
At Fedelta Home Care, we believe that independent living is the best fit for those with chronic illness, a standard that we support by providing expert home care tailored to each family’s needs and preferences. For a consultation about the many home care options that are available to you, contact us today.