Fedelta Home Care

Washington: (206) 362-2366

Oregon: (503) 252-8499

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(206) 362-2366

For Disability Care Management, One Size Doesn't Fit All

group of seniors on the beach

Few aspects of our lives cause as much worry as our health. If you or a loved one is coping with disability or a debilitating illness, it might seem almost impossible to think about anything else. When the stress of dealing with a physical or developmental disability starts to become too much, professional care management can provide rapid relief. Why should you consider professional care management?

Professional Care Management – How Can It Help?

Professional Care Managers are intimately familiar with every aspect of disability care. When a patient with special needs or other disability begins to struggle, a Care Manager can provide much-needed guidance and support. Here are just a few areas in which a Care Manager can provide help.

  • Coordinating care with other professionals
    Many patients have developed a complex network of medical care providers. Though each one may only offer specialized services, collaboration and communication between specialists is vital for better quality of life. A professional Care Manager can help guarantee you and your loved ones coordinated, collaborative care.
  • Long-term planning
    Though caring for day-to-day needs may be within the scope of patients and their families, planning for needs and care that may be weeks, months or even years ahead may be too much. An experienced Care Manager, however, can offer the insight needed to cope with any future surprises.
  • Help with medical, legal and financial issues
    With the state of the health insurance industry in constant motion, it can be difficult for a layperson to understand their medical, legal and financial obligations. Professional insight can help you avoid any costly legal complications.
  • Help finding employment and out-of-home activities
    Many special needs and disabled patients are able to maintain active professional and recreational lives, as well. Depending on the level of disability, however, suitable opportunities may be hard to locate and organize. Our Care Managers can assist in building the network needed to maintain a rich, fulfilling life.
  • Maximizing independence
    Working with a Care Manager is not a step towards dependence – it’s quite the opposite. The tools and resources that Care Managers provide will help patients enjoy full, enriching lives for as long as possible while maximizing independence.
  • A better quality of life
    As with any other difficult moment in life, success depends on the strength of your support group. Professional Care Management is one of the best ways to strengthen your team and guarantee a more satisfying quality of life.

Help Is Nearby

At Fedelta Home Care, we have over two decades of experience providing Professional Care Management and other personalized home care services to clients with diverse disabilities. Our Care Managers are located throughout the Puget Sound region and are able to provide professional services and local insight. A personalized care management experience is just a phone call or email away. Contact us today to learn how to get started. 

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