Fedelta Home Care

WA: (206) 362-2366

OR: (503) 252-8499

How to Stay Cool During Summer’s Heat

dog staying cool in front of a fan during the summer

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 How to Stay Cool During Summer’s Heat Forecasts for this summer in Seattle say it’s going to be one of the hottest and driest we’ve had in years. This raises some concern for seniors. According the National Weather Service, heat is one of the leading causes of weather-related death […]

Cholesterol – the Good, the Bad and the Confusing

cholesterol diagram

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Cholesterol – the Good, the Bad and the Confusing Cholesterol. A common term we have heard in regards to our heart health. You’ve probably been warned about its artery-clogging dangers and have your cholesterol checked at every annual physical. However, many people don’t know that there are good and […]

Protecting Seniors from Malnutrition and Dehydration

meal plans for seniors

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Protecting Seniors from Malnutrition and Dehydration Though it might seem strange that such a problem could exist in a developed country, a disturbing amount of seniors in America suffer from malnutrition. In fact, up to 60% of seniors seen in hospitals suffer from some form of malnourishment. If you want to […]

Earth Day Life Enrichment Activities for Seniors

seniors celebrating earthday

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Earth Day Life Enrichment Activities for Seniors Since 1970, over 140 countries around the world have celebrated Earth Day. Earth Day takes place every year on April 22nd and centers on environmental activism, sustainable practices and overall planet health. Earth Day is an opportune time to get creative about […]

Dealing with a Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

alzheimers patients

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Dealing with a Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Our memories help shape who we are as a person. They bring joy, inform our decision making and provide a course for the future. So receiving a diagnosis of a disease that may take much of that away can be terrifying. A future […]

Family Caregivers May Be Neglecting Their Own Health

caregiver comforts a senior man who sits on his wheelchair

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Family Caregivers May Be Neglecting Their Own Health More than 40 million Americans provide unpaid care to a loved one. Most of these people do this while holding down a full-time job and/or raising families of their own. This can lead to caregivers neglecting their own needs, putting them […]

How to Safeguard Your Health Information in a Digital Age

senior couple walking in the park

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 How to Safeguard Your Health Information in a Digital Age Along with every other industry, health care has been transformed by digital technology. Both at home and in healthcare facilities, more and more information is stored and managed electronically. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a paper […]