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5 Ways To Show Gratitude To Seniors In Your Community

a senior couple sit happily together

August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day and it’s a reminder to us all that we should be honoring those seniors in our community who have contributed to our own personal growth and the health of our community as a whole. After all, they are the pioneers of many of our modern day advancements. In 1988, President Ronald Regan declared this holiday to raise awareness about many of the issues facing our senior citizens and their quality of life. 

We’re living in an age where technology has made connections seem less personal and our seniors often are forgotten in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. As a result, instead of getting the respect they deserve, many of our seniors are left behind and experience depression and isolation. It’s time to rebuild our connections with our senior community and honor them in the ways they deserve. 

Ways To Send Seniors The Appreciation They Deserve

Everybody needs a little TLC, and the seniors in our communities may need an extra dose of love and support. Here are five small ways that you can help honor your loved ones and provide senior companionship. 

1. Spend Time With Them And Listen To Their Stories

a senior woman kisses the forehead of their family member

Loneliness and social isolation among seniors are at an all-time high across the United States with nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65 years and older considered to be socially isolated. It’s a disservice to them and to ourselves if we don’t take the time to socially interact with them and learn from their experiences. They have a great deal of wisdom and knowledge to impart on us if we only take the time to really listen. Everyday my neighbor Frank takes a walk through our neighborhood. He’s 93 years old and always stops to chat when we’re outside so he can tell me stories about his life and upbringing. He always lights up when he starts talking and the highlight of his day is taking his walk and interacting with people in our neighborhood. Relationships are key to healthy aging and retaining purpose. Keep this in mind the next time you pass by a senior. 

2. Ask Them If They Need Help

Seniors often don’t want to be a burden and try to retain more independence than they can handle so as to not disturb the lives of their loved ones. A key way to honor them is to check up on them regularly and help them with tasks that may be too difficult for them to take on themselves. Seniors often spend their whole lives caring for others and it’s now time for someone else to take care of them; cut their grass, bring over groceries, shovel their driveway in the winter or pick up their mail. A small kindness can go a long way and what goes around comes around. 

3. Spend Time At A Senior Center Or Care Home

Sadly, many seniors living in care facilities don’t have many visitors. In fact, approximately 60 percent of residents may not have any visitors at all. Spending day in and day out with no visitors and feelings of isolation can take a toll on their mental and physical well-being. However, most senior living facilities welcome and encourage volunteers, so stop by and spend some time with the community there. You never know who you’ll meet and what lessons you can learn from each other. 

It’s important to note that your safety and the safety of the residents are a top priority when we’re living in the era of the Covid pandemic. Make sure to check the protocols of the senior centers and ensure that you’ve tested negative for Covid. 

4. Put Your Pets To Work

Most people love animals and pets have been shown to reduce stress and produce a calming effect with their presence. If you have an animal that isn’t too rambunctious, bring on the cuteness factor and put them to work by making them a therapy animal. Many seniors can’t take on the responsibilities of caring for a pet, but allowing them to visit with yours can help fill a gap and provide them with the experience of having one of their own. Animals are the greatest teachers of unconditional love and a senior who may have a harder time interacting with people will be so grateful for this new form of companionship. 

It’s important to note that your safety and the safety of the residents are a top priority when we’re living in the era of the Covid pandemic. Make sure to check the protocols of the senior centers and ensure that you’ve tested negative for Covid. 

5. Simply Tell Them That You Care

A simple way to show appreciation to seniors in your community is to vocalize that you care. Sometimes all it takes is letting someone know that you’re thinking about them and are so grateful for their contributions. At the end of the day, we all want to feel appreciated for who we are and what we do. Pick up a phone, send a thank you card, or just stop by for a surprise visit to let your elderly loved ones know they haven’t been forgotten. 


We all get caught up in our own lives with a culture that continually forces us to be busy. However, we can all benefit from slowing down and taking time to show appreciation for our senior community. Remember that one day you may be in their position and you’ll want the same level of appreciation and respect. 

Fedelta is your go-to resource for in-home caregivers. Make sure to reach out to one of our experts to get your free consultation today.

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