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4 Benefits of In Home Health Care

Health care worker providing in-home care

Approximately 12 million people in the United States require some form of home health care. Thankfully, there are more than 33,000 professional home care providers in existence, providing all sorts of assistance to elderly individuals, Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, and others struggling with various diseases.

Here are some of the main benefits of in home health care:

  • Provide support when you cannot — If your aging parent lives nearby, you’re probably willing to drop everything to assist them at any time. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. You can’t just drop your familial and professional obligations and drive over to your parents. That’s where home care services come into play; they can provide all kinds of support — day and night — while you’re away.
  • Compassionate end of life comfort care — When your parent has reached the point in his or her life, whether it’s illness-induced or old age, compassionate end of life comfort care is the most important thing in the world. Though these are incredibly difficult times for you, your aging loved one, and your entire family, compassionate caregivers can help ease the transition and assist with every aspect of the end of life process.
  • Reduce hospital readmissions — If your elderly parent has been hospitalized due to a fall or medical illness, they could drastically benefit from in home health care. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that an elderly or ill individual is less likely to suffer a serious health event at home compared to an acute care setting, leading to a reduced rate of hospital readmission.
  • Medication administration — Perhaps the most difficult aspect of growing older and dealing with illness is all the various medications that need to be properly administered. In home care professionals can help ensure that your elderly loved one is getting all the required medications at the right times.

Again, these are incredibly difficult conversations and situations, but they are essential and need to be had. If you want to learn more about professional home and end of life comfort care, give Fedelta Home Care a call right away.

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