Fedelta Home Care

Washington (206) 362-2366
Oregon (503) 252-8499

How to Create a Positive Hospice Environment

a graphic showing that a majority of people say they want to pass at home, but only about 1 in 4 end up doing so

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 How to Create a Positive Hospice Environment It can be very hard to watch our beloved family members age; it’s even harder to accept that their conditions will worsen. Often, the right course of action seems to be consulting specialist after specialist after specialist, but at a certain point, […]

5 Tips on Dealing with the Grief of a Loved one in Hospice Care

a caregiver helps an old man get up from the couch with a walker

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 5 Tips on Dealing with the Grief of a Loved one in Hospice Care Hospice care is end of life care for someone suffering from a terminal disease, or a senior citizen who is failing to thrive. This type of care, which can be put in place at home, a […]

Is My Loved One Ready For Hospice?

a graphic showing that typically, two doctors must agree on a prognosis of 6 months or less in order for a patient to be considered for hospice

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Is My Loved One Ready For Hospice? Whether for ourselves or our loved ones, we don’t often like to think about growing old. But the reality is that at a certain point, you may need to start discussing the idea of hospice care for someone you love. You may […]

How To Transition a Loved One to Hospice

hospice for the elderly

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 How To Transition a Loved One to Hospice Making the decision with your family to transition a loved one into hospice care can feel like a big step. This part of senior care involves important decision-making, and you probably have a lot of questions before beginning the process. For […]

Comfort and Care – The Essentials of End-of-Life Care

End-of-Life Care

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Comfort and Care – The Essentials of End-of-Life Care There are few moments in life – if any – that are more distressing than watching a loved endure a terminal illness. For those who are the primary caregiver for a family member during this stage, this period is especially […]

Hospice vs. Home Health Care: What’s the Difference?

a caregiver comforts their elderly client

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 Hospice vs. Home Health Care: What’s the Difference? When a loved one falls ill or has a serious injury and needs care beyond the hospital, it’s hard to know where to turn and what to do. Many people are not aware of the options for in-home nursing care for elderly spouses, […]

What Are the Benefits of Hospice Care?

a graphic showing that in 2014, an estimated 1.6 to 1.7 million patients received services from hospice

Start your care plan (206) 362-2366 What Are the Benefits of Hospice Care? For many people, hospice is a very frightening word because it is associated with the end of a life. One of the biggest myths surrounding hospice care is that it means that a family has given up and submitted their loved one […]